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Информация об аллергии и иммунитете :: Аутоиммунный тиреоидит крапивница

Крапивница и аутоиммунный тиреодит

2011 год

Заключение исследования:
У пациентов с хронической идиопатической крапивницей может оказаться полезным проведение скрининга на выявление аутоиммунного тиреоидита. Тем не менее, необходимы более веские доказательства, основанные на данных качественных контролируемых исследований, для определения терапевтической роли заместительной терапии L-тироксином в улучшении течения крапивницы.

Conclusions: Screening for thyroid autoimmunity is probably useful in patients with CIU. More solid evidence, based on still lacking well-conducted controlled studies, is desirable to determine if there is a therapeutic role for L-thyroxine treatment in ameliorating the skin manifestations of urticaria.


Thyroid. 2011 Feb 16. [Epub ahead of print]
Urticaria and Thyroid Autoimmunity.

Bagnasco M, Minciullo PL, Schiavo M, Saraceno G, Gangemi S, Benvenga S.

1 Terapia Medica e Radiometabolica, Dipartimento di Patologie Immunoendocrinologiche, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria "San Martino ," Genoa, Italy .

Background: Chronic urticaria is a common clinical condition whose etiology, in about 75% of cases, is unknown and is therefore called chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU). A link between CIU and autoimmune thyroid diseases was proposed several decades ago. Here we review this topic. Summary: Several studies have been performed to determine if and to what degree there is an association between CIU and autoimmune thyroid diseases, particularly autoimmune thyroiditis. Many of these studies were not well controlled, however. Approximately one-fourth of CIU patients have serological evidence of thyroid autoimmunity, suggesting that these two disorders are associated. The mechanisms for the apparent association between CIU and serological evidence of thyroid autoimmunity are not clear. There are no data regarding the correlations between CIU and histological features of autoimmune thyroiditis or hypothyroidism. Despite this, there are anecdotal reports regarding L-thyroxine administration in patients with CIU. Conclusions: Screening for thyroid autoimmunity is probably useful in patients with CIU. More solid evidence, based on still lacking well-conducted controlled studies, is desirable to determine if there is a therapeutic role for L-thyroxine treatment in ameliorating the skin manifestations of urticaria.

Источник: www.allergya.ru
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